
August 25, 2015

I have yet to publish a full blog post of iphone only photos but today is a special day. You see, today one of my favorite people in the world turns a year older. He’s a constant source of inspiration and support emotionally, spiritually, creatively. He’s a brother from another mother that I’m blessed to have in my life on a daily basis. Last week, we were invited to a wedding as guests so naturally it turned into a photoshoot on my iphone. I love that he’s always up for trying new lighting situations and ideas.

Not only is he the most stylish man I in my life, but as a motivational speaker, he’s a constant source of wisdom.





Jen, these are beautiful shots. It is great to have friends like Johan who are ready for action when your creative juices begin to flow.

As I admire these I-phone shots, I am compelled to declare (yet again) that is not in the tool of a camera that your talent lies but in your Person.

You’re gifted Jen!

Tell me about it. You too are a light and wonder to this world. Thank you!