Paris-City of Lights

May 7, 2012

I have honestly never dreamed of going to Paris…crazy right?? This winter an opportunity came up when my friend invited me to visit her. I decided to only shoot a few rolls of film and use my iphone as I didn’t have to spend my whole time behind a viewfinder. The trip was magical to say the least. While I look back and reminisce upon my week, I have a new found love for photography and the feelings its able to capture. These images are a time capsule that will transport me back to one of the best weeks I’ve had in a while.

Paola’s checking the light meter. I love having photo nerd friends 🙂

These were taken on my Golden Half toy camera. It has 2 frames in one which creates a natural diptych. Getting the film back always feels like Christmas.

Below were taken with my iphone for instagram my favorite Iphone app ever!!!